Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - SALSA School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof

SALSA Make and Measure 2024


Register here!


Interfaces. Let's further explore their chemistry and physics and their many applications in the broad field of Analytical Sciences in a new edition of a successful conference that is organized by junior researchers in HU! Learn with us more about nanomaterials, reaction spaces and biosensors, and the different ways to understand such systems through unique characterization experiments, theory, and synthesis!


On September 11-13, 2024, we will discuss these and other topics, as well as your own research publicly with invited guests, including:


Eric Bakker (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Claire Donnelly (MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany)

Michael Hope (University of Warwick, UK)

Jana Kalbáčová Vejpravová (Charles University Prague, Czechia)

Bettina Keller (Free University of Berlin, Germany)

Ingo Manke (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany)

Liana C. Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Miriam Unterlass (University of Constance, Germany)

Lisa Vaccari (Elettra Synchrotron, Trieste, Italy)


Join us, and together with the SALSA Fellows identify new /inter/faces of research fields, disciplines, institutions, and people! Register with a poster and a flash talk -you may win an award!- and spend an off-site event at "Haus für Poesie" to find out whether there may be an interface of science and poetry!




📍 Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum, Room 0'101

   Rudower Chausee 26,

   12489 Berlin-Adlershof




Wednesday, 11.9.2024

 1.00 p.m.     Registration (pick up badge)
 2.00 p.m.     Welcome and outlook on the program
 2.15 p.m.     Plenary lecture with Liana C. Silva (University of Lisbon) 

Fluorescence Methodologies to Decode Membrane Organization and Function

 3.15 p.m.     Flash presentations I (contributed by all conference participants)
 3.45 p.m.     Posters & Coffee break
 4.15 p.m.     Plenary lecture with Bettina Keller (Free University of Berlin)

Structure and Dynamics of Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogels

 5.15 p.m.     Short break
 5.20 p.m.     Flash presentations II (contributed by all conference participants)

Thursday, 12.9.2024

 9.00 a.m.     Lectures by Lisa Vaccari (Trieste, Elettra Synchrotron) and Michael Hope (University of Warwick)

Biointerface's Characterization by IR Spectromicroscopy: Widening the Frontiers of IR Analysis to Bio-Inspired Hierarchical Materials (Lisa Vaccari)

Solid-state NMR of Surfaces and Interfaces in Energy Materials (Michael  Hope)

10.30 a.m.     Coffee break
10.45 a.m.     Lectures by Claire Donnelly (Dresden, MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids) and Ingo Manke (Berlin, HZB)

Exploring Three Dimensional Magnetic Systems with X-Rays (Claire Donnelly)

Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging in Energy Research (Ingo Manke)

12.15 p.m.     Lunch break (individual)
 1:15 p.m.     Coffee break
 1.30 p.m.     Panel discussion between SALSA fellows and the four guests of the day
 4.00 p.m.     Termination of lectures and transfer to Haus für Poesie, Kulturbrauerei (public transport)
 5.00 p.m.     Off-Site discussion ‚Science meets poetry‘ at Haus für Poesie including dinner


Friday, 13.9.2024

 9.30 a.m.     Plenary lecture with Jana Kalbáčová Vejpravová (Prague, Charles University)

Prospects of Cryomagnetic Spectroscopies on Van der Waals Materials Using Chiral Light

10.30 a.m.    Coffee break
11.00 a.m.    Plenary lecture with Eric Bakker (University of Geneva)

Conceptual and Materials Advances for Electrochemical Sensors Based on Ion-Selective Polymeric Membranes

12.00 p.m.    Lunch break (individual)
 1.30 p.m.     Discussion with Eric Bakker (University of Geneva)
 2.15 p.m.     Coffee break
 2.30 p.m.     Plenary talk and discussion with Miriam Unterlass (University of Constance)

Interfacing and Exchanging Features Typical for Inorganic and Organic Solids

 3.30 p.m.     Flash presentation awards & closing session


Off-Site Event Location:


For those who have registered for the off-site talk and dinner, we will gather directly after the last lecture on Thursday and transfer together to Haus für Poesie at Kulturbrauerei using the S-Bahn and Tram services. Should you choose to go there on your own, make sure that you are there at 5:15 p.m. the latest.





 📍 Haus für Poesie (Kulturbrauerei)

    Knaackstraße 97

    10435 Berlin






Speaker Information:


Eric Bakker 

University of Geneva, Switzerland

Title: Conceptual and Materials Advances for Electrochemical Sensors Based on Ion-Selective Polymeric Membranes







Claire Donnelly

MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany

Title: Exploring Three Dimensional Magnetic Systems with X-Rays






Michael Hope 

University of Warwick, UK

Title: Solid-state NMR of Surfaces and Interfaces in Energy Materials

For abstract click here!




Jana Kalbáčová Vejpravová

Charles University Prague, Czechia

Title: Prospects of Cryomagnetic Spectroscopies on Van der Waals Materials Using Chiral Light

For abstract click here!






Bettina Keller

Free University of Berlin, Germany

Title: Structure and Dynamics of Self-Assembled Peptide Hydrogels







Ingo Manke 

Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany

Title: Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging in Energy Research






Liana C. Silva

University of Lisbon, Portugal

Title: Fluorescence Methodologies to Decode Membrane Organization and Function






Miriam Unterlass 

University of Constance, Germany

Title: Interfacing and Exchanging Features Typical for Inorganic and Organic Solids





Lisa Vaccari

Elettra Synchrotron, Trieste, Italy

Title: Biointerface's Characterization by IR Spectromicroscopy: Widening the Frontiers of IR Analysis to Bio-Inspired Hierarchical Materials

For abstract click here!


Photo Galleries

  • Explore our photo galleries from previous Make and Measure events


Photos of Make and Measure 2023 - by Daniel Pasche

Photos of Make and Measure 2022 - by Daniel Pasche